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Do Cheap Windows Keys Work? OEM vs Retail Licences | Tech Advisor.Volume Licence Vs Retail Licence - Microsoft Community.Office Retail vs. Volume License | Small Business -
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Windows 10 Pro Retail or OEM or Volume License - Microsoft Community.
With the approaching EoL for Office next year, we've started looking at pricing and options for the future of our Office licensing. One thing that we've noticed, in UK prices, is that the price of a volume license is twice that of a retail copy.
At this point, we're struggling to find the business case for spending the additional funds on purchasing the volume licenses. We've since been unable to find any direct comparison of usage rights and benefits between the volume license and retail versions, instead only finding out the following:. None of the above though are seen as good enough benefits for us to justify the spend. What we're also unsure about is the right of transfer for retail licenses and whether retail licenses allow you to connect to, and use, Office on a RDP server.
We're aware that in the conditions for Office VLs, that the connecting device must be licensed for the version of Office that the server has so we've restricted non-laptop users from using Office when connecting.
In summary, we're attempting to find if we can have a business case for using Volume Licensing over retail; particularly in the area of allowing a greater level remote access in to the office, ease of license transfer and any other benefits we're unaware of. We also opted for Retail licenses. It is a bit more of a pain to manage, but nothing a simple Excel spreadsheet can't handle. We have over office licenses. Most of my users only need Home and Business, and it saves us a ton on the cost of a computer.
Retail licenses are also transferable, so if their PC dies or gets upgraded, they can reuse their retail license of Office. Welcome to the new Microsoft licensing! We found that retail really was the way to go with Office. We've always had volume licensing in the past as well but I don't think they really want us to do that anymore.
It's most likely their way of cracking down on corporate piracy. Either that or making up for giving away Win In either case LibreOffice is looking better and better every year, just saying. If its purely managing 70 machines apart from the awkwardness of not being able to deploy automatically , then 70 keys it is. Only way to work out the business case is to evaluate how much extra time you will have to spend working on individually licenced products rather than a central deployment scenario.
With 70 machines its entirely possible the deployment scenario would only cost 10 hours to setup, whereas you could easily attribute 1 hr per machine for individual deployment. Startech Business Systems Ltd. Volume license has only 1 product key while the retail version is one per system and you have to keep track of which one goes where.
More management. Brand Representative for Microsoft. If the key requirement to your scenario is Office running on a server and your users remotely access Office from your servers, then Volume Licensing is going to give you the license rights. Office via VL gives you the rights to install locally, portable device, and network device i. The Retail license of Office permits local install only. If you are considering retail licensing vs.
VL, you should also consider Office I have noticed that there are add-ins and other applications available with an Office subscription that are not available with retail or VL licensing. Also if you have SA on the VL, you have home use rights for your users which may sweeten the deal.
However, if that was a concern, I'd be looking at licensing via O When it comes to Office licenses for us, we're likely to use the licenses until they reach EoL, which means that Office isn't cost effective for us. Also looking at 's benefits we can't see that we would make use of those.
While RDS is beneficial for us, retail licenses being transferable does seem to be making a strong case. We've been discussing it here and now are strongly considering going with retail licenses for next year; removing Office from our RDS server doesn't seem too bad a loss for us compared to the savings, as we have other line-of-business applications people would make use of on there.
Thank you all for your responses, I'll see about updating the OP with the benefits you all mentioned. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting.
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We have some Online Events. Log in Join. Microsoft Licensing. Hi all With the approaching EoL for Office next year, we've started looking at pricing and options for the future of our Office licensing. We've since been unable to find any direct comparison of usage rights and benefits between the volume license and retail versions, instead only finding out the following: Volume licensing entitles you to downgrade rights VL also has management and key access through the VLSC VL allows easier transfer of licenses between devices None of the above though are seen as good enough benefits for us to justify the spend.
Thank you for your time. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Spice 3 flag Report. Spice 2 flag Report. Bryan This person is a verified professional.
Based on your setup Spice 4 flag Report. If you were using Citrix or teminal services, then VL would be the only way to go. Robert Zed This person is a verified professional. Volume licensing is required if you are going to image each system. Chris Microsoft. Glad you made this post. OP Sam So it turns out you can only mark two posts as helpful, good to know. Read these next
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